44 Rhodesia Squadron (Fulmina Regis lusta). Lancaster aircraft W 4277 lost to enemy action whilst laying mines off the Danish Coast..
Claim by Fw Ernst Baader 4/NJG3 - 8674 B1 in See: 2,700m at 21:10
Crashed Sost Skov (Forest) near Rise-Hjarup 3 km NNW of Aabenraa Denmark
Six RAF members of the crew, Flying Officer A.G. Cameron, Sergeants A.R.A. Colonna, J. Hutchison, J.H. Lightfoot, D.B. Mogg, and S. Wright were also killed.
Source of Personnel and grave marker images via "Airwar over Denmark" (http://www.flensted.eu.com/19430001.shtml)