36 Lancasters from 419 and 428 squadron were ordered to attack Stettin. The crews were over the target at 18,000 feet, releasing 106,000 lbs of high explosives and 206,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports the target was well hit with some ships in the harbour being sunk. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
I 189 Lancasters of 5 Group carried out one of the most successful 5 Group attacks of !hi.I war on this target at extreme range. Only 480 tons of bombs could be carried hecause- of the range of the target but severe damage was caused around the 4 separate aiming points selected. This success was achieved despite a zo-minute delay Ill Opening the attack because of the presence of low cloud; the bombing force waited patiently using up precious fuel, until the marker aircraft found a break in the clouds and the Master Bomber, Wing Commander J. Woodroffe, probably 5 Group's most skilllcd Master Bomber, allowed the attack to commence. Bomber Command estimated that 41 per cent of all the housing and 20 per cent of all the industry in Konigsberg were destroyed. There was heavy fighter opposition over the target and 15 Lancasters, 7·9 per cent of the force, were lost.
source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt
Crew of Lancaster JB593
Pilot G/C (26144) William Neil McKechnie GC RAF aged 37, son of Lt.-Col. William Ernest McKechnie, I.M.S., and Marion A. McKechnie; husband of Mary Roma McKechnie, of Musselburgh, Midlothian has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 200 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 875 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66556 RAF & RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World WarFlight Engineer Sergeant (184151) Robert Barclay Clarke RAF(VR) aged 28, son of Robert Barclay Clarke and Jessie Fargie Clarke, of Ealing, Middlesex has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 210 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 876 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66410 RAF & RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World Wa
Navigator Flight Sergeant (R/181517 "“ later Pilot Officer J/94491) Henry Wilson Tilson Carter RCAF aged 26, son of Henry Joseph and Hannah Carter, of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 249 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 877 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 13689 RCAF personnel that died during the Second World War
Air Bomber Flying Officer (52570) Edward Eric Fletcher RAF aged 29, son of Edward and Deborah Fletcher; husband of Ada Elizabeth Fletcher, of Chippenham, Wiltshire has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 206 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 878 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66551 RAF & RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World Wa
Wireless Operator Sergeant (1582911) Charles Colin Jeffrey RAF(VR) aged 21, son of Charles Bertram Jeffrey and Rosa Mary Jeffrey has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 232 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 879 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66459 RAF & RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World Wa
Air Gunner Sergeant (645750) Douglas Forester RAF aged 26, son of William Reuben and Edith Forster, of Macclesfield, Cheshire; husband of Joan Forster, of Macclesfield has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 217 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 880 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66552 RAF &RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World War<./p>
Air Gunner Flight Sergeant (967795) Ernest Lewis Collins RAF(VR) age? He has no known grave and is remembered on Panel 216 on the Runnymede Memorial Surrey. He is Reference No. 881 in the section "˜Died in aircraft struck off charge, No.106 Squadron and Reference No. 66413 RAF &RAF(VR) personnel that died during the Second World Wa
source: Buzz Hope"and in the morning" data base