105 Squadron (Fortis In Proeliis) RAF Horsham. Mosquito B IV DK 299 GB-S aircraft was originally on an operation against U-boat construction yards at Flensburg, Germany. The weather conditions were poor and the crew diverted to a secondary target. Believing they were over Germany, they attacked a train. They were actually over Denmark and shot down by a Bf 109G-1 fighter piloted by Uffz Herbert Biermann of 2/JG 1 that had closed in behind the Mosquito and opened fire. The pilot, Flight Lieutenant Hughes, attempted to crash-land the damaged aircraft south of Rejsby, Denmark but as the Mosquito skidded across the fields at high speed, it crossed over a stream and hit the opposite bank, where it broke up
Pilot Flight Lieutenant GP Hughes MiD (RCAF) and Navigator Flying Officer TA Gabe (RAFVR) were both killed in action
Mosquito IV DK299 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...