99 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 425, 426, 429, and 432 Squadrons were ordered to attack the oil refinery at Hemmingstedt. The crews were over the target at between 8,000 and 13,000 feet, releasing 594,000 lbs of high explosives. According to reports, bombing missed the target.
While the Halifaxes went to Hemmingstedt, 81 Lancasters from 419, 424,428, 431, 433 and 434 Squadrons were ordered on an attack at Dessau. The crews were over the target at between 14,000 and 16,500 feet, releasing214,000 lbs of high explosives and 326,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, bombing was accurate and severe damage was done. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
27 aircraft took off at approximately 17:00 on operations, but not without incident. "E2" Warrant Officer Lukies proved most fractures. The starboard outer engine cut on takeoff. The aircraft swung dangerously, but the pilot by masterly handling avoided a hanger and other obstacles, proceeded to the jettison area and returned safely. The other aircraft met course on the long route to Dessau. Cloud amount was variable. Opposition was lively, both from Flak and night fighters, but the former was not so strong over the target. Some crews bombed ground markers through 3/10 cloud with a clear view of the town and River Elba; others had to rely on sky markers owing to 10/10 cloud. General opinion was that the attack was well concentrated, and that the target was well and truly a blaze. "M" Squadron Leader, Pickles had its "Gee" unserviceable from Southern England outwards, but the crew pressed on, and after some meandering found themselves near to the target. They bombed in solitary state, a healthy contribution of fires left by their comrades. Two crews reported inconclusive combats with night fighters. Three aircraft "V" Flying Officer Jones, "O" Flying Officer Harris, and "R" Flying Officer Nielsen failed to return, and it was with deepest regret that they were reported missing. Nothing was heard from any of them after takeoff.
Three aircraft and crews carried out flying training involving over 7 hours flying.
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