Wellington Z8527, 405 Squadron RCAF; aircraft shot down and crashed near Versailles, France, during an operational flight over Poissy, France. Pilot Officer L G Burgoyne (RCAF): prisoner of war; Flight Sergeant M A G Howsan (RAAF), Sergeant M C Howe (RCAF), Flight Sergeant R O J Page (RCAF), Sergeant W P Ashun, Pilot Officer J G MacKinnon: killed;
On November 11, 1994, Remembrance Day in France, which is a public holiday, the Mayor and citizens of Manly in the presence of a delegation from its British "twin town", Marlow-on-Thames, commemorated the crash of the Canadian Wellington with a moving ceremony on the military cemetery near Manly. A monument to the men who died was built by the Town and unveiled jointly by the Assistant Air Attachs, of Australia, Squadron Leader Lefevre, of Britain, Squadron Leader Whitaker and of Canada, Major Poisson, representing the nationalities of the dead airmen. The ceremony was witnessed by a delegation from Marlow, led by the Mayor with, amongst others, representatives from the Royal British Legion and the Aircrew Association. All the organizations present laid wreaths. Our French friends, especially the ex-Service organizations who had been witnesses to the efforts and sacrifices made during the war, by amongst others, the allied air forces, were overwhelming in their demonstrations of friendship and comradeship. Detail provided by David E. Thompson, Middlesborough, England.
Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB