Wellington X HE971 QB-G aircraft which had just been bombed up and fuelled for an operation suddenly burst into flames and had it's bomb load explode at it's dispersal in Tunisia. A second Wellington HZ371 QB-E was caught in the rain of debris and also caught fire.
Squadron personnel rushed to put out the flames and aero engine mechanic Leading Aircraftman Snelling started a third undamaged Wellington and taxied it clear of the area, while flight engineer Flying Officer Doehler and air frame mechanic Sergeant Campbell brought out a fourth.
The second aircraft also blew up before the fire was brought under control, aero engine mechanic Leading Aircraftman N.L. Bardgett killed, Leading Aircraftman H.J. Allen and Leading Aircraftman D.A. Whyte and two others seriously injured (424 SH). research by Paul Squires
Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB