51 Halifaxes from 408, 419, and 427 Squadrons were joined by 63 Wellingtons from 426, 428, 429, 431, and 432 Squadrons on an attack at Dusseldorf. The crews were over the target at between 12,000 and 15,000 feet, releasing 145,000 lbs of high explosives and 275,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, severe damage was caused to this target. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil) RAF East Moor. Wellington BX aircraft HZ 355 AL-G was shot down by night fighter pilot Leutnant Werner Baake of the 1/NJG 1, flying a Bf 110 G-4 from Gilze-Rijen airfield, the Netherlands during an operation against targets in Dusseldorf, Germany. The Wellington crashed near Ophoven, Limburg, Belgium
Pilot Pilot Officer RC Ellison (RAF) maintained control of the bomber until his crew were able to bail but was himself, killed in action
Sergeant WG Bailey (RCAF), FS WJ Mullaney Jr (RCAF), Sergeant EC Nicholson (RAF) and Sergeant HEJ Horton (RAF) survived and initially became Evaders. Sergeant Bailey escaped with the assistance of the Comet Escape Line but Mullaney , Horton and Nicholson were betrayed and arrested and became Prisoners of War. Three Belgians assisting the airmen to escape were arrested and executed
There were three 429 Squadron Wellington aircraft lost on this operation. Please see aircraft serials HF 542 AL-O and HE 593 AL-Z for additional information
[Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
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