RAF Ferry Command, Dorval, Quebec. Ventura aircraft AE 729 had just taken off in poor weather conditions for a flight to Goose Bay, Labrador when it experienced an engine failure, stalled and crashed two miles east of the aerodrome with the loss of all 16 passengers and crew aboard
Crew: American Civilian Pilot Captain CF Kaiser and Canadian Civilian Radio Officer AH Down
Canadian Civilian Passengers: MJ Miles, HS Millen, HC "Bert" Coke and JT Barry were all contractors travelling to Goose Bay to install new equipment for the new airport at Goose Bay, Labrador
Military Passengers: Cpl CT Christopherson (RCAF), Cpl MJ Kasey (RCAF) and eight RCAF Leading Aircraftmen assigned to Goose Bay as radio operators: VF Peebles, LV Sparkes, JF Carr, KD Campbell, PJ Tennant, DA Abbott, BE Malone and WB Danielson
Ocean Bridge, The History of RAF Ferry Command by Carl A Christie pages 257, 314, 394