Squadron: 35 (PFF) Sqn (RAF)
Start Date: 1943-12-19
Completion Date: 1943-12-20
Mission: Combat
Operation: unspecified
Target City: Frankfurt Germany
Target Specific:
Base: Graveley UK
Take Off Time:
Squadron Code: TL-J
Radio Code:
Return Base: Graveley UK
Return Time:
Crash City: Graveley UK
Crash Specifics:
Crash Latitude: 0.00000000
Crash Longitude: 0.00000000
Crash Reason: mechanical
Flak Battery:
Enemy Claim:
War Diary Unavailable
6 Group Unavailable

35 Squadron RAF (Uno Anima Agimus), Pathfinder Force, RAF Graveley. Halifax III aircraft HX 328 TL-J, returning from an operation to Frankfurt, Germany had a Target Illuminator (TI) munition malfunction, which ignited in the aircraft bomb bay as it was preparing to land. Sale gained altitude to allow his crew to bale from the burning aircraft, which most were able to do. As Sale was himself about to bale, he realized that his mid-upper gunner, Lamb was unable to bale due to a fire-damaged parachute. Sale resumed control of the bomber and managed to land it safely and taxi off the runway. Both he and Lamb escaped from the aircraft, which exploded as they ran to get clear. Both men survived and continued to fly together. Carpenter suffered a broken ankle.

Sale was awarded a Bar to his DSO for this act of determination and braveryinformation from book: The Pathfinder Companion War Diaries of the RAF Pathfinder Force-1942-1945 by Sean Feast, Grub Street Press 2012

General 1943-02 I No. 35 Squadron