Squadron: 434 (B) Sqn (RCAF)
Start Date: 1944-08-04
Completion Date: 1944-08-04
Mission: Bombing
Operation: unspecified
Target City: Bois-de-Cassan France
Target Specific:
Take Off Time: 10:29
Squadron Code: WL-Y
Radio Code:
Return Base:
Return Time:
Crash City: France
Crash Specifics: Drosay, Seine-Maritime
Crash Latitude: 0.00000000
Crash Longitude: 0.00000000
Crash Reason: flak
Flak Battery:
Enemy Claim:
War Diary Unavailable

6 Bomber Group August 4, 1944

159 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 431, 432,433, and 434 were joined by 42 Lancasters from 408, 419 and 428 squadrons on an attack on the V-1 storage site at Bois De Cassan. The crews were over the target at between 13,000 and 16,000 feet, releasing 1,856,000 lbs of high explosives. According to reports, the target was damaged. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)

Aircraft lost during an daylight sortie to the V-1 launch sites at Bois-de-Cassan, France. The aircraft was shot down by Hmtm Gustav Tham, flying an Me110, crashing at Drosay, Seine-Maritime, France. Kelly, Bruegeman, Perkins and Marley were killed.

Lang Donovan and Boyle evaded capture.

Complete story of this crew in "We Will Remember Them" ISBN 0-9699343--0

General Air Crew Remembered

General RAF Commands