Aircraft was attacked by German Night-fighters on the homeward journey, over Tonnerre. The two starboard engines were shot up, and after losing considerable height over 35 minutes, the Pilot ordered the crew to bail out. Crashed near Tonnerre, France
The crew came down at about 03:15 hours, just West of Beliecarde. They buried their parachutes, mae wests in thick undergrowth and pulled briar over them.. They moved South, reaching a canal, which they walked along, for about 30 minutes. As it became light, the crew hid in a wood along the canal bank. At 23.00 hours on 16 July 1943, they continued along the canal, endeavouring to find a bridge. They eventually crossed the canal and continued walking until 02:00 hours, when they again hid in woods. The crew spent all of the day, 17 July 1943, in the woods, and began to walk South at 23:00 hours., eventually reaching the outskirts of Les Bordes at 05:30 hours. From the cover of a wood, they watched a nearby farmhouse, which they eventually approached, were taken in, fed and sheltered. Those who dared - A Comprehensive List of World War ll Allied Escapers
Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB