Squadron: 420 (B) Sqn (Snowy Owl) (RCAF)
Start Date: 1944-03-24
Completion Date: 1944-03-25
Mission: Bombing
Operation: unspecified
Target City: Berlin Germany
Target Specific:
Base: RAF Tholthorpe
Take Off Time: 19:07
Squadron Code: PT-W
Radio Code:
Return Base:
Return Time:
Crash City: Germany
Crash Specifics: not determined
Crash Latitude: 0.00000000
Crash Longitude: 0.00000000
Crash Reason:
Flak Battery:
Enemy Claim:
War Diary Unavailable

6 Bomber Group March 24/25, 1944

23 Lancasters from 408 and 426 Squadrons were joined by 90 Halifaxes from 420, 424, 425, 427, 429, 432, and 433 Squadrons on an attack at Berlin. The crews were over the target at between 19,000 and 24,000 feet, releasing 48,000 lbs of high explosives and 409,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, there was severely high winds and the attack was scattered. This was another terrible night as 72 crews failed to return due to being blown off course and over heavy flak defenses. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)

420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum) RAF Tholthorpe. Halifax BIII aircraft LW 373 PT-W failed to return from a bombing mission to Berlin, Germany, believed shot down by a night fighter. The crash location in Germany, was not determined

Flying Officer HW Rice (RCAF), Flight Lieutenant NI Altic (RCAF), Sergeant JD Boire (RCAF), FS CG Fraser (RCAF), Pilot Officer G Renwick (RCAF), Sergeant FG Bushell (RAFVR) and 2Lt JH Thomson (USAAF) all survived and were taken as Prisoners of War

Footprints on the Sands of Time, RAF Bomber Commands Prisoners of War in Germany 1939-45 by Oliver Clutton-Brock pages 234,248,258,296,390,419

General July I 2020 I RCAF 420 Snowy Owl

General Halifax BIII LW373 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image database]...

General Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB

General Bomber Command Museum Daily ORB

General RAF Commands