59 Halifaxes from 408, 419, 427, and 428 Squadrons were joined by 23 Wellingtons from 429 and 432 Squadrons on an attack at Hamburg. The crews were over the target at between 16,000 and 22,000 feet, releasing 138,000 lbs of high explosives and 256,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, bombing was accurate with severe damage to the city. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
78 Squadron (Nemo Non Paratus) RAF Breighton. Halifax II aircraft JB 798 EY-P is believed to have been hit by flak while on an operation against targets in Hamburg, Germany. The Halifax crashed south-west of Lubeck at Bad Oldsloe, Germany, the 14th aircraft shot down on this, the 3rd raid on targets in Hamburg
FS WMT Hetherington (RCAF), Flying Officer RC Baillie (RCAF), FS GH Woodcock (RCAF), Sergeants T Campbell (RAF), WE Goodacre (RAFVR), JR Nicholls (RAFVR) and FS PA Fraser (RAAF) were all killed in action on their 6th operation
The Battle of Hamburg, Allied Bomber Forces Against a German City by Martin Middlebrook, Appendix 4, page 340 29/30.07.1943 No.78 Squadron Halifax II JB798 EY-P Flight Sergeant Peter...