433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S'y Frotte S'y Pique) Skipton-on-Swale, Halifax III aircraft MZ 284 BM-T missing during an operation against Castrop-Rauxel, in the Ruhr Valley, Germany 1944-11-21
Claim by Hptm Hubert Rauh Stab II/NJG4 - Haltern/Dattlen (KP 2): 5,000m at 19:02. (Nachtjagd Combat Archive 1944 Part 5 - Theo Boiten)
Plt Off Allen RCAF was initially buried in Oer-Erkenschwick Cemetery. Reinterred 25 April 1947.
Plt Off Seymour RCAF and Plt Off Robson RCAF were initially buried in Dattlen Cemetery. Reinterred 25 April 1947. (CWGC)
FS KEC Slack (RCAF) survived and was taken Prisoner of War. He was was part of Trupp 56. He arrived at Bankau on 26 December 1944.(The Long Road - Oliver Clutton-Brock). FS Slack drowned 1945-05-08 while trying to rescue a German guard who had fallen into the Elbe River near Shoenbeck, Germany. His body was not recovered and he has no known grave and is commemorated on the Runnymede War Memorial