51 Halifaxes from 408, 419, and 427 Squadrons were joined by 63 Wellingtons from 426, 428, 429, 431, and 432 Squadrons on an attack at Dusseldorf. The crews were over the target at between 12,000 and 15,000 feet, releasing 145,000 lbs of high explosives and 275,000 lbs of incendiaries. According to reports, severe damage was caused to this target. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita) RAF Middleton St George. The crew of Halifax II aircraft JD 143 VR-A had just completed their bomb run when they were caught in the beam of a blue Master searchlight. Soon, fifteen additional Slave lights joined the Master to cone the aircraft in light. The Halifax was hit by flak in the nose, the port wing, and port outer engine causing the engine to explode and catch fire. Pilot Flying Officer Boyce ordered the crew to bail out and stayed at the controls, looking to force land the aircraft as Sergeant Chambers was badly wounded and refused to jump
Warrant Officer Class 1 HA Tripp (RCAF) is believed to have jumped but was killed in action
Sergeant DE Chambers (RAFVR) eventually jumped at 2,000 feet but was killed in action
Flying Officer JW Boyce (RCAF) went down with the aircraft and was killed in action when the bomber crashed 7 km west of Xanten, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
Five of the crew, Flying Officer GL Buck (RAF), Flying Officer DI Black (RAF), Sergeant RM Hall (RCAF), Sergeant JD Gray (RCAF), and Sergeant DN Stewart (RAF) bailed and survived to be taken as Prisoners of War
Flying Officer Black said, "Although Flying Officer Boyce had plenty of time to get out he stayed in order to give the wounded Wireless Air Gunner , Sergeant DE Chambers, a chance of survival in a forced landing. When Sergeant Chambers finally jumped it was too late for Boyce to get out so he sacrificed himself. As toWarrant Officer Tripp, we thought he got out but maybe his chute didn't open"
There is also a claim that this Halifax was shot down by night fighter pilot Oberleutnant Manfred Meurer of the 3/NJG 1, flying a Bf 110 G-4 from Venlo airfield, the Netherlands
Footprints on the Sands of Time, RAF Bomber Command Prisoners of War in Germany 1939-45 by Oliver Clutton-Brock pages 246,256,305, 309,411 419 Squadron RCAF 1941to 1945 Crew of Halifax JD143
419 Squadron Halifax II JD143 VR-A F/O. Boyce, RAF Middleton St. ...
Halifax II JD143 [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB