195 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 424, 425, 426,427, 429, 432, 433, and 434 squadrons were joined by 36 Lancasters from 419 and 428 squadrons on an attack on Cologne. The crews were over the target at between 18,000 and 21,000 feet, releasing 1,570,000 lbs of high explosive and 285,000 lbs of incendiaries. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil) RAF Leeming. Halifax BIII aircraft NR173 was hit by flak over Cologne during a daylight operation against targets in this German city but despite heavy damage to the the bomber, it returned safely to RAF Station, Woodbridge, England
Pilot Officer H Lowe (RCAF) had been severely injured in the flak attack and died from his injuries before the aircraft returned, the only crew casualty
Bomber Command Museum Monthly ORB