415 Swordfish Squadron (Ad Metam) RAF East Moor. Halifax BIII aircraft MZ 476 6U-Y was shot down in the Dehme Forest, three miles north-west of Twistingen, Germany during an operation against targets in Hannover, Germany. The bomber was claimed by Oblt Briegleb of 7/NJG2, one of two claims for the night
Pilot Officer JA Rinder (RCAF) and Pilot Officer JT Clarke (RCAF) were all killed in action
Flying Officer SH McFadden (RCAF), Flying Officer N Conner (RCAF), Pilot Officer FT Graves (RCAF) and Sergeant JJ Burton (RAFVR) survived to be taken as Prisoners of War. PoW information for these aircrew is incomplete to date
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