Squadron: (B) Sqn (RCAF)
Start Date: 1944-10-15
Completion Date: 1944-10-15
Mission: Bombing
Operation: unspecified
Target City: Wilhelmshaven Germany
Target Specific:
Base: Croft
Take Off Time: 17.21
Squadron Code: SE O
Radio Code:
Return Base:
Return Time:
Crash City:
Crash Specifics:
Crash Latitude: 0.00000000
Crash Longitude: 0.00000000
Crash Reason:
Flak Battery:
Enemy Claim:
War Diary Unavailable
6 Group Unavailable

506 aircraft+ 257 Halifaxes, 241 Lancasters, 8 Mosquitoes - from all groups except, 5 Group, on the last of 14 major Bomber Command raids on Wilhelmshaven that began in early 1941.

Bomber Command claimed 'severe damage' to the business and residential areas. A short local report mentions only that the Rathaus was completely destroyed and that 30 people were killed and 92 injured. A further report from Wilhelmshavcu, giving overall air-raid details, shows that this port town - a major naval base escaped relatively lightly in the war. In 26 R.A.F. and American raids, only 510 civilians, 24 servicemen and 30 foreign workers were killed.

source: The Bomber Command War Diaries, Martin Middlebrook and Chris Everitt

Halifax aircraft MZ 434 went down in the sea off Westerhever, Germany during night operations, an attack on Wilhelmshaven, Germany. F/Os. W.H.Sanders, A.M. Park, J.G. Nagell, P/Os W.G. Mann, D.H. Proudfoot, and FS S. Mara were killed. One of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed.

General RAF Commands