133 Halifaxes from 408, 415, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 432, and433 squadrons were joined by 57 Lancasters from 419, 428, 431, and 434squadrons on an attack at Hannover. The crews were over the target at between18,000 to 20,000 feet, releasing 1,587,000 lbs of high explosives. Accordingto reports, bombing was scattered through out the city. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
158 Squadron RAF (Strength in Unity) RAF Lissett. Halifax III aircraft MZ 432 NP-Q failed to return from operations against targets in Hanover, Germany. Cause of loss was not determined but most likely from an night fighter but there was also accurate heavy flak. The Halifax crashed somewhere between Bremen and Hanover with the loss of one crew member
Sergeant G Dacey (RAFVR) was missing, presumed killed in action
Sergeant Dacey has no known grave and is commemorated on the Runnymede Memorial
Flying Officer GW Cross (RCAF), Flying Officer AG Robertson (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 2 GE Marion (RCAF), FS FDE Rae (RCAF), FS TM Laurie (RAFVR) and Sergeant JJ Bromfield (RAFVR) baled and survived. All were taken as Prisoners of War
158 Squadron Halifax III MZ432 NP-Q F/O. Robertson, RAF Lissett,...