54 Halifaxes from 419, 427, 428, and 434 squadron were joined by 9 Lancasters from 426 squadron, on an attack of the experimental rocket site at Peenemunde. The crews were over the target at between 7,000 and 9,000 feet, releasing 335,000 lbs of high explosives and 3,600 lbs of incendiaries. The target was successfully hit, and the V-2 rocket program was set back. The first 2 waves of bombing did not suffer many losses but the 3rd wave, which included the 6 group, were attacked fiercely by Night fighters. This was also the first night of the master bomber technique, and of the slanted cannon by the German airforce, that would take down so many bombers in the months to come. This was also the first operation by 426 squadron since converting to the Lancaster II. Richard Koval (6bombergroup.ca)
434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus) RAF Tholthorpe, Halifax BV aircraft DK 260 IP-M was engaged in operations against the V-2 rocket sites at Peenemunde, Germany when it was attacked by a night fighter which was shot down. A second night fighter attack resulted in the Halifax crashing near Wolgast, Germany
Flight Lieutenant IL Colquhoun (RCAF), Warrant Officer Class 1 CP Fitzpatrick (RCAF) and FS Lapointe (RCAF) were all killed in action
Sergeant DA Young (RAFVR) was missing, presumed killed in action
Sergeant Young has no known grave and is commemorated on the Runnymede War Memorial
Sergeant JR Dobie (RCAF), Flying Officer WE Beswick (RCAF) and Sergeant PS Crees (RAF) survived and were taken as Prisoners of War
There were two more 434 Squadron Halifax V aircraft lost on this date. Please see aircraft serials EB 258 IP-T and EB 276 IP-G for additional information
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