103 (Swindon's Own) Squadron (Noli Me Tangere) RAF Elsham Wolds. Halifax BII aircraft W 1243 PM-B was on a Conversion Training Flight when it stalled in the circuit while still on 3 engines, rolled, inverted, crashed and burned at RAF Station, Elsham Wolds, England
Warrant Officer Class 2 N Hrehorak (RCAF), Sergeant RL McCulloch (RCAF), Sergeant DR Evans (RAFVR), Warrant Officer RJ Fulbrook DFC (RAF), Flight Sergeant FW Hill (RAFVR) and Sergeant JP Wolfenden (RAF) were all killed in this flying accident
There were only six crew members aboard this aircraft when this accident occurred [Royal Air Force Serial and Image Database]...
22nd Sept 1942 - 103 Conversion Flight RAF Elsham Wol...